Looks Block:Scratch Programming Flashcards


  1. Use these flashcards in the classroom for making the lessons interesting!
  2. Pick a student from a group and ask them these questions.
  3. Also,make sure to assign Quiz Questions to your students as assessment.
  4. Make this process of learning as fun as possible!


Play our Scratch Programming Flashcards

What is the purpose of the "Looks" category in Scratch?


The "Looks" category contains blocks that control a sprite's appearance, such as costumes, effects, and size.

What block would you use to change a sprite's costume?


The "next costume" block.

How can you make a sprite appear smaller?


Use the "set size to" block with a percentage less than 100.

What block would you use to add a ghost effect to a sprite?


The "set ghost effect to" block.

How can you make a sprite say something?

Use the "say" or "think" block.

The "set ghost effect to" block.

What is the difference between the "say" and "think" blocks?


"Say" displays the text in a speech bubble above the sprite's head, while "think" displays the text in a thought bubble.

What block would you use to change the background of the stage?


The "switch backdrop to" block.

How can you make a sprite appear again after hiding it?


 Use the "show" block.

How can you create a custom backdrop for your Scratch project?


Use the paint editor to create a new backdrop.

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